Great lighting is paramount for successful outcomes in photography. When it comes to Landscape photography time of day dictates the end result, though mother nature does have the final say. Understanding light and its qualities is the starting point for every photographer.
Standing at a lookout in regional Victoria at 8.30pm the scene before me was pitch black except for the light being cast from the night sky. Preparing to head home, I noticed shadows casting across the ground. I suddenly realized the light being cast from the full moon was significantly greater than I thought.
So if the light source is bright enough to cast distinctive shadows across the ground, it should be enough to capture an image? The answer is, yes.
Even though large areas of the scene were completely dark, there were other areas easily defined. The outcome was this image. An eight image panorama taken at 8.45 pm.
Camera settings were; Aperture f8, Shutter Speed 30sec, ISO 400